Grazie al nostro corrispondente maltese Andrea Muscat, possiamo rivivere la tempesta che nel weekend ha colpito Malta, nel Canale di Sicilia, a causa di un sistema di bassa pressione che in realtà tra 24 e 26 gennaio ha scatenato ben due differenti burrasche, la prima da ovest – nord/ovest tra 24 e 25 gennaio accompagnata da piogge intense e qualche temporale, la seconda giorno 26 senza precipitazioni. Il vento ha provocato violente mareggiate mentre tra 24 e 25 gennaio sono caduti 15mm di pioggia, con raffiche fino a 82km/h da nord/ovest. Non ci sono stati danni gravi.
An intense low pressure system generated two gales on the 24th, 25th and 26th. It generated the first gale from the West to North West while moving south eastwards over the Tyrrhenian Sea and southern Italy on the 24thand the 25th. The pressure system (998 hPa) continued moving south eastwards. On the 26th it was located towards the south east of the Maltese Islands. This together with an incoming low (less intense) from the North West generated the second gale on the 26th. The 25th was dominated by rain and hail showers that were heavy at times. The wind increased drastically during precipitation. The 26th was dry.
The wind resulted in a very rough sea which battered the Maltese Islands very hard. 15 mm of rain were measured; but this value reached higher levels elsewhere. The strongest wind was 82.0 km/h (Force 9) on the 26th from a northwesterly direction. No major damage was reported other than broken branches.