A 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit Southern California, marking the second one near Ridgecrest in less than two days.
Macroseismic analysis by Giovanni Falcicchia
Earthquake epicenter: Ridgecrest – California USA
Date 06/07/2019 UTC 03:19:52
Latitude 35.77° N Longitude 117.61° W
Magnitude 7.1 Depth 17 Km
The following analysis shows the macro seismic effects based on a model hereby displayed. The reported macro seismic effects may vary (one or two levels, up or down) depending on the characteristics of local geology or buildings. If not expressly indicated, earthquake perception is intended during the day. Peak ground acceleration is expressed in cm/s².
Values and terms do not coincide with other seismic scales.
Nearby cities 14 Km far from the epicenter:
12- Destructive earthquake 500 < PGA < 1000 ( IX MCS )
A thunderous roar can be heard. The earthquake is violent. People are shocked and disoriented; they can’t stand on their feet and get out of buildings. There are many victims and lots of injured. Objects are uplifted; furniture is overthrown. Old houses and monuments fall down; old towns and historical sites are destroyed. The structure of ordinary buildings is damaged. Earthquake-resistant buildings are superficially damaged. Water supply is seriously damaged. From gaps in the ground mud and sand come out; lad slides come down. Several communication routes are interrupted; rails are curved. Bridges are damaged. A modest tsunami is generated. In the affected area the situation is severe; only a few reports arrive from the area.
Nearby cities from 14 Km to 32 Km far from the epicenter:
Ridgecrest, Searles Valley, Millspaugh, Pearsonville, Brown, Linnie
11- Ruinous earthquake 250 < PGA < 500 ( VIII MCS )
Seismic shaking is very strong; it is preceded by a roar clearly heard by everyone. Furniture is overthrown. People panic, hardly move but desperately try to get out from buildings; there are only a few victims but several injured. Driving is very difficult. Old houses and monuments partially collapse; statues fall from pedestals. Old towns and historical sites are almost destroyed. Ordinary buildings are damaged and can’t be accessed. Apparently earthquake resistant buildings aren’t damaged. There are big cracks in the ground; rocks come down from hills. Some communication routes are interrupted. Water supply is partially damaged. A weak tsunami is generated. Even if the situation is serious, a few reports arrive through the internet.
Nearby cities from 32 Km to 58 Km far from the epicenter:
Bradys, Ballarat, Panamint, Coso, Darwin, Garlock, Randsburg
10- Harmful earthquake 120 < PGA < 250 ( VII MCS )
Seismic shake is very strong; people who drive on bumpy roads may not feel it. The event is preceded by an intense and wide roar, often heard inside buildings. All objects, mirrors, glasses, fall down and break inside houses; furniture moves. People panic and run outside. There are just a few victims and injured. The structure of old houses and monuments is damaged; big cracks in walls; doors and windows break; tiles and chimneys break and fall. Ordinary buildings have shallow damages and can be accessed. A few cracks on the ground; only a few roads get damaged. Even if the situation is serious, a lot of reports come from the affected area.
Nearby cities from 58 Km to 98 Km far from the epicenter:
Olancha, Ryan, Stovepipe, Wells
9- Strong earthquake 60 < PGA < 120 ( VI MCS )
Seismic shake is intense and only a few people, inside moving vehicles, can’t feel it. The event is preceded by a roar, often heard even inside the houses; who sleeps, wakes up. Furniture and objects vibrate loudly; unsteady objects fall. Doors and windows open and close. Chandeliers oscillate widely. People are terrified and run out of buildings. Someone gets hurt or is suddenly taken ill. Old buildings are damaged: cracks in walls; broken windows; broken chimneys. Ordinary buildings are not particularly damaged. A high number of reports arrive through the internet.
Nearby cities from 98 Km to 163 Km far from the epicenter:
Lone Pine, Barstow, Bakersfield, Tecopa, Independence
8- Notable earthquake 30 < PGA < 60 ( V MCS )
Inside the houses almost everyone feels the earthquake, and sometimes even the preceding roar; outside many perceive a vibration. Seismic shake is intense and wakes up several people. Objects vibrate, some of them fall. Chandeliers oscillate widely. Doors and windows open and close. People are scared and run out of buildings. Old houses and monuments are lightly damaged. Several reports arrive from the affected area.
Nearby cities from 163 Km to 270 Km far from the epicenter:
Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Fresno, Riverside, Henderson, San Bernardino, Bishop, Long Beach, Anaheim
7- Moderate earthquake 15 < PGA < 30 ( IV MCS )
Inside the houses, many people feel the earthquake. Seismic vibration is very intense and wakes up who’s sleeping. Chandeliers oscillate widely. Windows and objects shake; People are scared; many of them get out of buildings. Outside many people clearly feel the earthquake and hear the preceding roar. Buildings are not externally damaged. Many reports arrive from the affected area.
Nearby cities from 270 Km to 446 Km far from the epicenter:
San Diego, San Jose, Tijuana, St George, Mexicali, Salinas, Monterey, Kingman, Mesquite
6- Mild earthquake 8 < PGA < 15 ( III – IV MCS )
Lots of people inside buildings feel a strong seismic vibration. Chandeliers oscillate noticeably; crunches and tinkles can be heard. Someone of those who sleep, wakes up. Several people prefer to go outside, as a safety measure. Outside several people feel the vibration, they clearly hear that particular sound preceding the earthquake. Many reports arrive through the internet.
Nearby cities from 446 Km to 735 Km far from the epicenter:
San Francisco, Tucson, Phoenix, Sacramento, Provo, Reno, Redding, Sandy
5- Light earthquake 4 < PGA < 8 ( III MCS )
Inside buildings, some people feel a vibration. Chandeliers oscillate; A tinkle of glasses shattered can be heard. Someone decides to go outside, as a safety measure. Outside only a few people feel the earthquake; before the event, a few people hear a noise, like a faraway thunder. From the affected area many reports arrive.
Nearby cities from 735 Km to 1212 Km far from the epicenter:
Portland, El Paso, Denver, Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Colorado Spring, Medford, Ogden, Eugene
4- Weak earthquake 2 < PGA < 4 ( II – III MCS )
A relevant number of people, in the highest and middle floors, feels a moderate vibration. Chandeliers oscillate; a tinkle of glasses shattering can be heard. People who perceive these effects feel apprehension. Outside, only a few people feel the earthquake; someone hears a low frequency noise. A few reports arrive through the internet.
Nearby cities from 1212 Km to 1998 Km far from the epicenter:
Dallas, Austin, Seattle, San Antonio, Monterrey, Vancouver, Calgary, Casper, Rapid City
3- Tenuous earthquake 1 < PGA < 2 ( II MCS )
In the highest floors and in quietness, a few people perceive a light vibration. Chandeliers oscillate. People feel apprehension. Outside, almost nobody feels the earthquake. From the affected area, only a few reports arrive; sometimes a light sound is heard.
Nearby cities from 1998 Km to 3294 Km far from the epicenter:
Houston, Chicago, Città del Mexico, Kansas City, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Nashville, Winnipeg
2- Insignificant earthquake 0.5 < PGA < 1.0 ( I – II MCS )
In the highest floors and in quietness, a few people feel a very light vibration, but there isn’t any concern. Outside nobody feels anything. No sound of the earthquake can be heard. Only a few reports arrive through the internet.
Cities beyond 3294 Km from the epicenter.
1- Unperceivable earthquake PGA < 0.5 ( I MCS )
The intensity is irrelevant; the earthquake is recorded by seismic stations in the region. Even in the best-case scenario, people don’t feel the earthquake. No reports come from the area.